May 21, 2012

"Liege Go Round"

Here I am at the very end of the 'Boverie Park' in Liege (Belgium), armed with my camera and tripod. The sky was threatening, filled with clear areas and heavy clouds. It started to heavily rain before I finished the panorama. For locals, the bridge of Fragnée (le pont de Fragnée) from Liege and the Saint-Vincent church (the upside down dome) can be recognized. This is my first attempt at making a panorama planet! There are a lot of tutorials on YouTube explaining how to get this result but to sum it up, this is a panorama made of a dozen pictures taken from the camera on tripod, (the tripod makes it easy for the software afterward to assemble and merge all the pictures together properly). A filter (rectangular to polar coordinates) will then be applied to the panorama to get the planet effect". Simply stunning...