December 9, 2012

Panorama, why you should keep your focus steady

Photography is a huge (fantastic) world and a way of learning photography is also making mistakes, trials and errors. I didn't upload that panorama of Saint-Lizier before because I made a mistake by not keeping the focus the same during the whole photo shooting process but finally decided to upload it to share with you that little tip.

So, what's wrong with this panorama? Let's have a closer look at the picture...

This panorama is made of 12 vertical photos merged together (I merged them with Photoshop) and -for each photo taken- I have modified the focus. The reason I did that is that I wanted each part of the panorama behind my focus point to be... in focus. Now, if you click the image to see it full screen, you will notice some marked differences in focus along the panorama. This is more obvious if you pay attention to that white house in the middle of the panorama (the one with 4 windows on the side, facing you). Did you spot it? Good, what you should notice is the left half part of the house is out of focus and the right half of it is in focus.

To avoid this, I should have kept my focus steady on all the pictures taken. I hope this little tip will help you for making better quality panoramas :-)

Any question, feel free to ask, I'll be glad if I can help you!

For each individual shot: ISO 200 - 18mm - f/3.5 - 1/500s

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