February 28, 2013

Frozen lake - Le lac de Warfaaz (II)

Seeing the lake almost totally frozen was just stunning. Here's another view of the Warfaaz lake in Spa, Belgium. I did a couple of shots there and this is probably the last one of the serie during the winter. I'm looking forward for Spring to be there so I can get colourful shots...

I used my "pancake" 40mm lens from Canon for this little sequence.
ISO 100 - 40mm - f/2.8 - 1/250s

February 26, 2013

Frozen lake - Le lac de Warfaaz (Panorama)

Still at the Warfaaz lake in Spa, Belgium. I like panorama's when I have wide open spaces in front of me. This lets you appreciate more of the scenery with all the ducks and that frozen water. Just an advise though, stay on the plain ground, you won't bear the low temperature water as ducks do ;-)

Panorama is made out of two horizontal shots.
For each shot: ISO 100 - 40mm - f/2.8 - 1/125s

February 25, 2013

Frozen lake - Le lac de Warfaaz

So yeah, in less than a month now it'll be Spring time, and just as last year we're (finally?) having the snow very late in winter. I can't tell you how strong the temptation was to walk on that pure white surface, on the frozen lake of Warfaaz in Spa, Belgium. Of course I've been careful and stayed on the edge of the lake, making sure I was stepping on plain ground! The lake is artificial and has been dug about a century ago to avoid flooding of Spa, a thermal city of Belgium, during storms and heavy rains.
(Sources: www.lacdewarfaaz.be)

ISO 100 - 40mm - f/2.8 - 1/250s

February 5, 2013

Photostuff challenges on deviantArt

Hey folks! Some of you may know deviantART (a.k.a dA) already -an art community- and photography is a major part of this community (among many wonderful others). And among all those artists, some of them created groups you can join (or create your own yours). #Photostuff is one of these groups managed by user =MarioGuti and he's doing a photography challenge each week based on themes. This is all done for free, nothing to win, just fun!
I took part in 2 of these challenges so far with the following photographs:

Challenge #6 - Silhouettes
Challenge #7 - In movement

° The first image for Challenge #6 (Silhouettes) has ended up ranked #5 on 47 submissions. You can see all submitted photographs here on dA website and the winner here.
° The second image for Challenge #7 (In movement) has ranked #3 on 28 submissions. You can see all submitted photographs here on dA website and the winner here.

Not bad uh... but not enough, hope to do better next time. I must admit though that the winners do deserve their #1 rank so congratulations to them!

How is the winner chosen?
Democratically, after challenge closing time (every friday), each photo is numbered and all users can vote for their 3 favorites during the week-end. Your first favorite will get 3 points, your second one 2 points and the third one 1 point. Results are given on mondays and next challenge takes place.
This week is Challenge #8 with theme "Yellow". I'll be participating as well so wish me good luck! :)

Challenges are good, they keep you in the loop and pushes you to get better and better each time, do participate as much as you can!
