July 13, 2012

Enjoying the evening in Saive (Belgium).

The beautiful view from my terrace at the Old Castle of Saive (Belgium). It's been a dark rainy cloudy day; nothing that reminds you of the summer but rather of the beginning of autumn. At the end of the evening though, the sky is clear, the sun goes down and colours in the sky are magnificent. It's almost 9.00pm, here comes the Blue hour when the skies reveal this deep blue and you can appreciate this magenta colour gradation. The stress of the day makes room for the peace of mind, it's just so beautiful :-)

This panorama is made up of 6 consecutive photos taken in long exposure time (2 to 3 seconds), my camera was on tripod standing on my terrace. Yeah, I know, not bad for a view...

July 12, 2012


A little bit of composition, playing with candles to render a softly lit ambiance, zen attitude. The sun  went down, the whole house goes into darkness, the warm glow of candles is magic.

July 1, 2012

And by a miraculous sunny day...

Where's the summer here in Belgium? Wondering... A good D vitamin cure wouldn't be a luxury touch. There are certain days though when the sun shows the tip of his nose (not more, don't ask him too much) and that's when all the colours in the garden can express themselves. Colours and light are warm, intense, vibrant; the garden is breathing!